Healthcare Solutions


Healing the Healthcare Blues with Norman Sylvester

The math is not complex. Instead of doling out corporate welfare to insurance firms, we can pay that money to deliver actual health care. As health improves, costs go down.

Nonprofit health care allows citizens and businesses to win twice: — less money out of our individual budgets for health insurance, and — no government bureaucracy that gives our tax money to the less efficient health insurance companies through a variety of federal and state programs


If we stick with corporate cons running the show, this leaves out 31 million people who will continue to suffer without health care.  This raises  costs of care and lead to more suffering. 

(a report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that by 2023, 31 million non-elderly Americans will still have no carehealthcare1.

America currently has  forced payments to transnational insurance cartels betting against our health. These cartels, after paying off CEOs and advertisers… deliver the most expensive and least effective health care among the most developed nations on the planet.

We leave 31 million without any care at all.


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Medicare for all is another insurance scam. Instead of forced payment to the insurance cartels, the proponents of this change advocate raising taxes to pay for health care.  We do not need health insurance, private paid or “government” paid. We need health care. 

Sanders and Warrens’ Medicare for all plans sound great, but they have not provided resources to pay for these plans, and neither of these candidates will agree to shut down American wars costing trillions.

If the Urban estimates are correct, the two tax increases combined would cover only about one-quarter of the cost of a full-blown Medicare for All plan. Where will the rest come from?

The federal government already is running a $1 trillion annual deficit that is expected to grow even under current law. And both Sanders and Warren have ambitious new spending plans for education, housing, environmental protection, and jobs on top of their health initiative. The story of how they’d pay for universal public health insurance is not a simple one. But they need to tell it.”

What we need is what Obama promised but denied us; We need universal, nonprofit health care for everyone in America. Everybody in and nobody left out. As health care is delivered, people get healthier and costs go down, not up. 

More resources on health care options:


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