Jill Stein Walks the Talk

    Jill Stein is a Hard-Core Liberal.
    Click here for explanation of political philosophy.Click here for VoteMatch quiz.


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        1. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? But even beyond the question of the corporate monolith, I’m not sure that Americans as a whole have it within them to embrace a strong and smart woman as their leader. All they seem able to respond to is brute power, the “appearance” of “strength.” It’s become an extremely dumbed-down culture of cruelty. But I’ll try to remain hopeful.

    1. Oh! my Goodness! Like a breath of fresh air! Let’s hear it for Women leadership on the hill! May I remind you there are few elected to none serving on Capitol in the Republican party! To ponder! Indeed! Love what she has to say! U. S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders , you have another joining the club!

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