Vote Green Party for a New Deal

The choice between Trump and Clinton was no choice. Both are pro-war.
The choice between Trump and Biden was no choice. Both are pro-war.

bombing iraq 4 presidents

Neither of the war parties represents the American people. These profiteers are not on our side.  The late Ronnie Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Don Trump, Mike Pence and Kamala Harris… all have the same platform:  Dozens of simultaneous wars of unprovoked aggression enforcing illegal  corporate extraction, exploitation and extortion. These exports of terror, munitions and war are not working. If you want peace, vote for a Green Party New Deal.

Support Jill Stein for President in 2024
Albert King – Blues Power – 9/23/1970 – Fillmore East

Dr. Jill Stein has a vetted plan for shutting down 56 wars of aggression and investing in peace, people and planet. And she is smart enough to get it done. She is, by any standard, more qualified than the last seven American presidents.
“Under a Stein presidency, the military economy will transition to a green economy, with decreased dependence on fossil fuels, and an end to subsidies for military contractors. The Fortune 500 makes more money from weapons sales in America than in any other nation on the planet. This stimulates the economy, but these funds come out of everyday peoples’ pockets.  A green alternative of securing the peace would create jobs, and do so without causing the deaths of countless millions around the world. Additionally, the justified hatred that much of the world feels towards the U.S. would fade, as the U.S. becomes a more responsible player on the world stage.”

The Green Party New Deal is about securing Peace, and investing in People, infrastructure and Planet

Big Mama Thornton – Everything Gonna Be Alright


Where all ships can rise.

“Our generation is on the verge of the most profound catastrophe the human species has ever faced. “
Death threats to the living earth are coming from all sides. Water, sunlight, air and soil are all threatened.

Eskimos of the far North are experiencing leukemia from atomic radiation and Eskimo mothers’ milk contains crisis levels of PCBs. We must recognize that every organism on the planet is threatened..”

Obama and Biden promised peace and health care but took us from 4 avoidable Republican wars of choice into more than 31 unnecessary Democratic wars of aggression about extraction, exploitation and extortion. These betrayals allowed Trump to take us into 53 avoidable American wars.

This is Rank treason.

Instead of universal health care… Joe and Barack gave us forced payments to insurance cartels delivering the most expensive and least effective health care among developed nations. This left 31 million people out. Trump expanded 53 unprovoked American wars and now Biden’s “promise” is that nothing will change. Republicans brag and Democrats lie about selling us out, killing our children, bankrupting the nation and crippling Mother Earth.

The United States healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, but when it comes to health outcomes, American health care providers perform worse than institutions, hospitals and universities in 11 similar industrialized nations, according to a new report released by the Commonwealth Fund.American healthcare is the most expensive and least effective among these nations.
America is dead last.

Trump embraced unprovoked wars and expanded them.  


Donald spent trillions killing millions for billionaires, munitions cartels and war-profiteers.

Our dysfunctional insurance cartel-based health care denial system continues to bankrupt America while bankers seize our homes.

If we allow the war parties to continue to drag us into their gutter, global experts predict
the economic bottom will fall out before 2030…

The falling American dollar will trigger global depression. American military and intelligence resources will be retreating from dozens of wars and more than 800 bases while toxic oceans rise to flood nuclear reactors, cities and human developments on all shores.


But we CAN make better choices…

We can reject the corporate war parties. They have failed us for a half century.  We can embrace the Green Party’s New Deal for Peace, People and Planet.

We can shut down corporate-American wars and transition to investments in peace, people and a healing planet.
Because we have no choice.

“Our nation – and our world – face a “perfect storm” of economic and environmental crises that threaten not only the global economy, but life on Earth. The dire, existential threats of climate change, oil wars, and a stagnating, crisis-ridden economic system…. will require bold and visionary solutions if we hope  to leave a livable world for the next generations.
These looming crises and the questions facing us are historically unique. The fate of humanity is in our hands.  It is not just a question of what kind of world we want, but whether we will have a world where we can survive.
The Green Party plan is to build on the concept of FDR’s New Deal. 
We call for massive mobilizations of communities, governments and people (on the scale of World War II) to transition our energy systems and economy into 100% clean, renewable energy.This effort must include a coordinated transition from fossil-fuels, fracked gas and coal. We propose an ambitious yet secure economic and environmental program to revive the economy, turn the tide on climate change, and make wars for oil obsolete.

Ending unprovoked wars of aggression for extraction can cut our bloated military budget while we invest in peace… and reap dividends. 

The Green Party New Deal is not only a major step towards ending unemployment for good, but also a tool to fight the corporate takeover of our democracy and exploitation of the poor and people of color.  Peace will provide a just transition, with a priority on providing resources to workers displaced from the fossil fuel industry.   Low-income communities and communities of color are most impacted by climate change. This injustice cannot stand.


The transition to peace and cleaner energy resources, will allow working people to control of our energy system, rather than maximizing profits for energy corporations, banks and hedge funds. These changes will promote clean energy and peace as human rights and a common good. A Green New Deal will include support for communities and workers by realizing public ownership of resources. The trillions saved by shutting down 53 corporate wars can be invested in restoring infrastructure and supporting small businesses, non-profits and everyday people.

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We will cut military spending by at least half to bring our troops – (currently stationed in over 800 bases worldwide) – home to their families. We can deploy our valued servicemen and women in their own communities to build up our country’s future by repairing infrastructure and creating prosperity here at home.

Maintaining bases all over the world to safeguard fossil fuel supplies, enforce extractions or shore up repressive oil monarchies cannot be justified as “protecting American interests.” 

The Green New Deal saves us from climate catastrophe and pays for itself through health savings alone.  We can prevent or ameliorate fossil fuel-related diseases. These hidden terrors kill 200,000 people every year and afflict millions more with asthma, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and other illnesses.

Eliminating these threats addresses some of the most greenparty2urgent crises facing our society. America can shut down corporate wars and invest in peace.  Everyday people can take back the power and build a just, sustainable, and healthy planet for our young people and future generations.

Si se puede.

…Yes we can vote Green for a sustainable future.

We can leave the war parties behind!

The Green Party represents most Americans’ views on securing peace, universal nonprofit health care, rebuilding infrastructure, reforming banks, creating a healthy environment, campaign finance reform, restrictions of corporate power, elimination of genetically modified foods, erasure of student debt, restoring functioning schools and providing four years of college and investments in a healing planet.

See The Biggest Media Sin, by Sam Smith of the Progressive Review, and read the Green Party Platform.

We are part of a global movement for peace, freedom and justice. Peace activism became more prolific in the United States and around the globe between 1945 and today. Everyday people oppose arbitrary American aggression abroad while infrastructure is falling apart at home.  A surrender to corporate elites has bankrupted the nation, lowered wages and shipped critical jobs overseas. We can do better.


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