Invisible Data

Artificial Intelligence transmogrification…
Jeff Beck -Truth(1968)
“Despite its many successes, physicists are still struggling to nail down a coherent interpretation of quantum mechanics, as it best represents ‘reality’. ”

Alternatives to Anthropomorphism… Tom Waits – “Lie To Me“ There are alternatives to anthropomorphism… What is the anthropomorphic fallacy? The Anthropomorphic … More

Impeachment is the cure!

Biden and Harris are guilty of war crimes. They are exporting 53 unprovoked but simultaneous and expanding wars of aggression. These wars enforce illegal extraction, exploitation and extortion. This costs trillions, kills millions and makes planet Earth demonstrably less secure.

Walk Away…

Remove the CIA from Ukraine, suspend all U. S. sanctions and other acts of war against 50 nations and invest those trillions in securing the peace, providing people with human services and creating conditions to support a healing planet.