Voting for Evil no longer an option. ~OO~

If we don't end war, war will end us.
Evil Entity Wallpaper download - Dark Entity HD Wallpaper ... The “Trickle Down” and “Lesser Evil” theories are flat lies. 

Voting for Evil is a bad idea….
The presidency is not about personalities. It is about how we can endure, survive and prevail… What we have are at least 56 expanding corporate-American wars costing trillions, killing millions and making everyone demonstrably less secure. With toxic oceans rising, this is the evil we have chosen.

Monet's Blue Waves Painting by Gina Son | Saatchi Art

All of us are more than fed up with mediocrity, hypocrisy, lesser-evil, trickle-down, less-than-perfect settling for spending trillions and killing millions for munitions firms and billionaires who pay no taxes and steal what working people pay.

How the Biggest Fraud in German History Unravelled | The New Yorker

This is more than “less than perfect.” This shakedown is organized crime, committed in our names and on our dime because we let it happen. And these crimes are legislated, funded and implemented by both sides of the corporate aisle.
Given a choice to vote for Democrats or Republicans for ongoing wars… for another eight years… makes no sense. It’s like voting against ourselves. War is surrender.
Perhaps we might choose a greater good: Peace, people and planet instead of terror, munitions and war.   Everyday people must understand we can vote for someone other than war-profiteers, criminals or lunatics. We have choices.

Settling for “lesser evil” does not work.

Jerry Garcia - Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils...

In spending trillions on avoidable conflicts and unnecessary wars, we kill millions of innocent people so that billionaires who pay no taxes can get richer at our expense.
This insanity is creating more enemies and making us less secure.

Proposal 49: End to War Profiteers and Corporate Invasion of Iraq -

In “wars for (corporate) profit” against nations who have not attacked, we destabilize, exploit, bomb, attack with drones or invade and occupy non-aggressive nations to enforce various demands of the corperate elite for extraction, exploitation and armed extortion. In condoning these crimes, we, everyday American people, have become the terror.
The Green Party represents most Americans’ views on securing the peace, universal nonprofit health care, rebuilding infrastructure, reforming banks, creating a healthy environment, campaign finance reform, restrictions of corporate power, elimination of genetically modified foods, erasure of student debt, restoring functioning schools, providing four years of college and investments in a healing planet.

all ships can rise
“Our generation is on the verge of the most profound catastrophe the human species has ever faced. “Death threats to the living earth are coming from all sides. Water, sunlight, air and soil are all threatened.

“… When Eskimos of the far North begin to experience leukemia from atomic radiation and Eskimo mothers’ milk contains crisis levels of PCBs, we must recognize that every organism on the planet is threatened..”
“Available economic, educational, and military data indicate that, when it comes to U.S. global power, negative trends will aggregate rapidly by 2020 and are likely to reach a critical mass no later than 2030.”

Now in 2024 banks are failing and everyday working people are losing jobs and homes.  The only way to ameliorate this progression: is to shut down dozens of counterproductive American wars enforcing corporate extraction, exploitation and extortion. 

This is a time to THINK  

Revolution is the cure.
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Mike Pence, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Elizabeth Warren and a dozen other corporate cons are not worth my vote. I cannot vote for surrender to eight more years of war.
Why would anyone?
We can put people in front of military profits. This will allow rebuilding and restoration of a sustainable nation, creating a peaceful, progressive and prosperous future for everyone:  universal healthcare, full employment and jobs with justice. 

Building Solidarity for 30 Years: Portland Jobs with Justice – Portland  Jobs with Justice

In the streets, in voting booths, cities, towns, homes and families… we can become the peace we seek. Si se puede.



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