Truth is…

“All of us are more than fed up with mediocrity, hypocrisy, lesser-evil, trickle-down, less-than-perfect settling for spending trillions and killing millions for munitions firms and billionaires who pay no taxes and steal what we pay.

February 2016 Portland Alliance

“Critiquing Bernie Sanders from the left can be a lonely project. There is a “hope”-powered hysteria surrounding his campaign, and bursting the “hope” bubble can produce a fierce backlash. The Sanders “hope” explosion is so fierce because capitalism has become a hopeless place.”

Shamus Cooke

We can win in November 2020

A coalition is building: 31 million Americans who want health care, 40 million Americans who want their student debt erased. 70 million students in secondary school and college who want the opportunity for free K-16 education. 5 million Americans who lost their homes to banks. 3 million Americans used and abused in corporate wars of choice. And 80% of Americans who are in debt and tired of seeing banks bailed out and Main Street sold out.

Abusive American Cops: bigger problem than most admit

“These problems aren’t rare, they aren’t isolated, and they are taking an enormous human and financial toll on our country. If we are to ever properly address this problem, we cannot do so if we do not honestly admit its expansive size, scope and depth.”

Manufacturing Consent: … or why Chomsky endorses voting

– the other 80% of the population — are marginalized, diverted from political awareness and participation in self-governing, and reduced to apathy so they don’t vote or take charge

Dr. Jill Stein offers better choices… She sees Snowden as a hero.

in the world we deserve, I would welcome Edward Snowden home a hero, and release Chelsea Manning, Jeffrey Sterling, Julian Assange and other courageous truth tellers with praise and reparations. Their actions are essential for preserving our imperiled democracy in the face of secretive, unaccountable corporate government.